
In-company training is existing training in the CISphoenix catalog, delivered exclusively to a targeted group of employees from the same company. It is different from inter-company training, which brings together employees from different companies and sectors. And it also differs from tailor-made training, which corresponds to the creation of an ad hoc, exclusive and personalized program, aimed at responding to the specific problems of an organization.

Training topics for professionals

Solutions to the training needs of companies!

Financial advantages: Intra-company training has financial advantages since its principle based on a preponderant fixed cost and few variable costs leads to significant economies of scale. It also reduces travel costs for trainees. Human resources: This solution also offers an advantage in terms of human resources. Indeed, it offers the possibility of aiming for a complementary objective of team motivation since it makes it possible to group a team project on the same site while protecting it from the usual professional interference.

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